What causes lightning? Simple science explained

What is thunder

What is lightning: All thunderstorms that occur in unstable atmospheres are ignited by moisture and warm air rising. This usually occurs on a warm summer day when long hours of sunlight warm the ground. The warm, moist air just above the Earth’s surface is less dense than the cool, dry air above it, causing it to rise.

As it rises, the water vapor it contains begins to cool and condense into water droplets. This causes a cloud to form and also release heat, giving the air a boost as it continues to rise, creating a powerful updraft.

Within about 30 minutes or so, a towering thundercloud (cumulonimbus) builds up, reaching heights of up to 10 kilometers. After this rise, the temperature no longer decreases with height, which means that the rising air mass no longer floats to the top. Instead, they spread out, producing the anvil shape that is typical of storm clouds.

As more water vapor condenses within the cloud, water droplets merge and grow, while ice particles also form and coalesce in the frozen upper parts of the cloud. Once water droplets and ice particles become heavy enough, they begin to fall as rain or hail. In its wake, it generates a stream of cold air that rushes downward. It spreads and causes strong winds at ground level, in addition to a drop in temperature.

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What is thunder

at the same time. Collisions between ice crystals and water droplets within the cloud cause electrons to be ejected from the water droplets. and transfers lighter ice crystals to larger ice particles.

As heavier, negatively charged particles sink

The rise in positively charged particles. Opposite charges accumulate at the top and bottom of the cloud. This creates an electrical voltage (“potential difference”). Which, if high enough, can be discharged in what is known as “in-cloud” lightning (we see this as paper lightning).

The negatively charged cloud base also repels electrons on the ground, creating a positive charge there. This potential difference in lightning flames can be discharged “from cloud to ground.” The rapid heating and expansion of the surrounding air causes the characteristic rumble of thunder that accompanies the flash of light.

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