Beauty and Health

How to Wash a Shower Cap?

Shower caps can be an invaluable way to protect your hair during showering, but over time, they may collect dirt, oil, and product residue...

SBRT technology and the latest updates on radiotherapy technologies

SBRT technology and the latest updates on radiotherapy technologies, is it effective or does it come with the whole package of side effects and...

Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of 3D Printing in Medicine

Introduction: It is no secret that technology made incredible advancements in recent years, and healthcare witnessed major ones. While seen as separate entities, healthcare and...

What is brush softener for dip powder?

Dip powder nails have become increasingly popular for those seeking long-lasting, durable manicures. A brush softener is integral in creating flawless dip powder application...

Is Hemp Seed Oil Good for Eyelashes?

Is hemp seed oil good for eyelashes? More and more people today are turning towards holistic alternatives for their beauty regimens in an age...

Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

If you haven't had many eye issues in the past, it's often easy to take your vision for granted -- but taking care of...

تصميم الابتسامة الرقمية – الجزء الثاني والأخير

تحدثنا في المقالة السابقة عن تصميم الابتسامة الرقمية وهي إجراء تجميلي يستخدمه أطباء الأسنان وأخصائيي تقويم الأسنان لتصميم ابتسامة المريض وتغييرها رقمياً وعرضها على...

تقنية Silhouette Instalift لشد البشرة بدون جراحة وألم

عندما تتقدمين في السن، ستلاحظين أن الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد أصبحت أكثر وضوحاً في وجهك. ولأنكِ بالتأكيد تحبين أن تظهري دائماً بكامل حيويتك وتألقك فقد...