Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What Does a Full Factory Reset Do?

Have you ever had a computer that wouldn’t go away or a phone that was that slow? A factory reset may be the solution. But what does a full factory reset do to your device?
Consider your gadget a canvas. You customize it over time with files, settings, and programs. A factory reset is like restoring the canvas to its initial state. It will reset the device to its factory settings and remove all of your data, applications, and settings.
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What Does a Factory Reset Do to Your Device?

A simple factory reset will:

Fix Software Problems

By removing corrupt files or program conflicts, a factory reset may frequently resolve performance problems, bugs, or software malfunctions on your device.

Get Rid of Malware

All data will be erased. It will also include any dangerous software that could be hiding on your device. Therefore, a factory reset is a valuable method for getting rid of malware.

Prepare for a New User

A factory reset guarantees that all of your data and personal information are eliminated from your device, safeguarding your privacy, whether you’re selling or giving it away.

Does Factory Reset Delete Everything?

A factory reset does indeed remove nearly everything from your smartphone. This comprises:

Personal Data

You will lose all of your stored images, movies, audio files, documents, and other data.


Your personalized options, including display preferences and Wi-Fi passwords, will be restored to their original state.


All downloaded applications and their data will be deleted.


All of your accounts on the device will be closed.
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Can Anything Survive a Factory Reset?

Now you know what does a full factory reset do. However, it typically leaves out the following:

Firmware Upgrades

Your device’s most recent software upgrades are probably going to stay installed.

External Storage

Depending on the device and reset settings, data on an SD card or other external storage may not be impacted.

Crucial Things to Think About Before Resetting

Even if a factory reset is a valuable tool, there are several drawbacks to be aware of:

Data Loss

The most significant disadvantage is data loss. Unless you have a backup, your data is lost after a factory reset is finished.
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Time Commitment

Resetting an entire device might take a while, particularly if you need to reinstall a lot of applications and adjust settings afterward.

Software Updates

Following the reset, you should reinstall a few software updates.

Malware Persistence

Seldom, complex malware may be able to withstand a factory reset and need to be removed by a specialist.

The Bottom Line

Learning about what does a full factory reset do will remove software problems and spyware. It will get your gadget ready for a new user. However, it is a significant move that involves data loss. Therefore, always make a backup of your crucial data before starting a factory reset. You can decide if a factory reset is the best course of action for your device. Just stay aware of what it can and cannot accomplish!
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