What is the Rarest Zodiac Sign?

Have you ever felt like an outsider when you were among your friends discussing what is the rarest zodiac sign? Perhaps you are the lone Aquarius – the water carrier. You are curious about your sign’s relative commonness or rarity. Well, you can stop wondering!
You will explore the intriguing realm of zodiac sign rarity. We have also highlighted the most distinctive signs and their corresponding reasons.

What is the Rarest Zodiac Sign Other than Ophiuchus?

The rarest sign in the zodiac is Aquarius. It refers to those born between January 20 and February 18.
A CDC study indicates that fewer infants are born within this timeframe than at other times. Because of this, coming across an Aquarius is quite delightful!
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Find Your Aquarius Match

According to astrology, air signs like Aquarius get along best with other air signs like Gemini and Libra. They naturally click since they both like stimulating thought processes and engaging in active discourse.
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Beyond Aquarius: The Rarest Sign Runners-Up

While Aquarius reigns supreme, a few other signs are rare. The second-rarest position goes to Aries, the fiery ram, whose birthday falls between March 21 and April 19.

What is the Most Common Zodiac Sign?

Conversely, Virgo is the most prevalent sign – or should we say birthday cake? – on the opposite end of the spectrum. Virgos, born between August 23 and September 22, are often analytical and meticulous.
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The Full Rarity Rundown

Based on CDC and Social Security Administration statistics, the following statistically supported ranking of zodiac sign rarity, from rarest to least rare, is provided for people who are insatiably curious about complex data:

  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces
  • Taurus
  • Gemini

What is the Rarest Zodiac Sign Out of the 12?

Twelve zodiac signs are used in conventional Western astrology. However, some astrologers suggest the serpent-bearer Ophiuchus as the thirteenth sign. When Ophiuchus is considered, all the signs’ date ranges change, making Capricorn the least common sign.
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The Bottom Line

Knowing what is the rarest zodiac sign lends a new level of mystery to astrology, regardless of whether you think there are 12 or 13 signs. Thus, honor your unique position in the celestial zodiac the next time you cross paths with an Aquarius!

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